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Intellectual Property Lawyer

Peacock Law Firm PLLC employs an experienced intellectual property attorney focused on providing winning solutions to individuals, entrepreneurs and businesses in litigation and transactions. By listening to clients, devising a smart strategy and executing upon that strategy in a cost-effective manner, our attorney provides top quality service, putting clients and their goals first. The attorney assists in all aspects involved in procuring patent grants, trademark registrations and copyright registrations as well as in litigating infringement matters and other IP rights in court – whether to enforce IP rights against an infringer or to defend against an accusation of infringement.

If you or your business seeks an IP attorney, the Peacock Law Firm PLLC can help you. The attorney at the firm would be delighted to speak with you and put his knowledge and experience to work for you.

Intellectual Property Practice Areas

Intellectual property law comprises a broad area of the law that concerns the creation and enforcement of intangible assets. Whether you are seeking to secure IP protections or enforcing existing ones, an IP lawyer with Peacock Law Firm PLLC can help you. The IP lawyer at Peacock Law Firm PLLC has extensive experience and practice in the areas of:

Intellectual Property Litigation

IP litigation can be complex and complicated. Let the firm’s IP litigation attorney devise and execute a successful battle plan for you. Whether it be patent infringement, trademark infringement, copyright infringement, trade secret infringement, trade dress infringement or unfair competition litigation, the firm can help you. The attorney at the firm has represented clients in all areas of IP litigation, from the pre-suit investigation to appeal. The attorney will discuss your options and goals with you to determine the best path forward, representing you in a cost-effective manner. The attorney not only has IP litigation experience but they is registered in the United States Patent & Trademark Office, thus having detailed knowledge about IP rights that other lawyers may not have. Whether you have been sued for infringement or would like to enforce your IP rights against an infringer, Peacock Law Firm PLLC can help. Speak with an attorney today to learn how he can assist you in your litigation matter.


A patent is a right granted to an inventor by the federal government for his or her invention that permits the inventor to exclude others from making, using or selling the invention for a period of time. A patent grant can be a highly valuable asset. The Peacock Law Firm PLLC employs a registered patent attorney to assist clients in the procurement, enforcement and litigation of patents. The attorney has obtained many patents for clients and litigated patent infringement lawsuits in court. He would be happy to speak with you about applying his expertise in patent law to your situation.


A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one party from those of others. If properly used, a trademark can prevent consumer confusion between businesses. Peacock Law Firm PLLC employs a registered trademark attorney to assist clients in the registration, enforcement and litigation of their trademarks and service marks. The attorney at our firm has extensive knowledge and experience in all aspects of trademark law, whether counterfeiting, dilution or infringement cases. On behalf of clients, he has obtained many trademark and service mark registrations in the United States Patent & Trademark Office and have enforced trademark rights in court and defended those accused of trademark infringement. Let him put his expertise in trademark law to work for you.


A copyright is a collection of rights that vests to an individual or entity that creates an original work of authorship such as a literary work, song, movie or software. These rights include the right of reproduction, the right of distribution, the right to perform and display the work publicly and the right to prepare derivative works. The attorney at Peacock Law Firm PLLC assists individuals and businesses with registering their copyrights in their works of art in the U.S. Copyright Office as well as enforcing their copyrights against infringers in court. The attorney also assists those who are being accused of copyright infringement. The firm would be glad to assist you with your copyright needs.

Unfair Competition

Unfair competition is any business conduct that is contrary to honest practices in commercial matters and that is prohibited by law. Typically, it occurs when a producer misrepresents his goods as someone else’s, when one steals the trade secrets of another or when one infringes upon the rights of someone’s trademark. The lawyer at Peacock Law Firm PLLC has extensive experience litigating unfair competition claims on behalf of Plaintiffs and Defendants. Call the firm today to speak with an attorney about how the firm can help you stop others from unfairly competing with you or about how the firm can help you if you’ve been accused of unfair competition.

Trade Secrets

A trade secret is any information that has economic value from not being known and which is properly maintained as a secret. A business’ trade secrets can be what give it a competitive edge over its competitors. Protecting a trade secrets must be done properly and in accordance with the law. To learn more about protecting your trade secrets, or if someone has misappropriated your trade secrets, call Peacock Law Firm PLLC now to speak with an intellectual property lawyer.


Intellectual property rights can be licensed or assigned. A license is a borrowing of rights. The attorney at Peacock Law Firm PLLC can assist you in negotiating a license and drafting the appropriate licensing documents. Contact the firm now and let the attorney know how he can help you.

Trade Dress

A trade dress is the visual appearance of a product or its packaging that signifies the source of the product. It can also be the look and feel of a business. If you’ve created a distinctive look and feel for your business or for your product, your business may have trade dress rights. If someone has copied your trade dress, then Peacock Law Firm PLLC can assist you in enforcing your trade dress rights against the infringer. Also, if you or your business has been accused of trade dress infringement, Peacock Law Firm PLLC can help. Call the firm today.

Domain Name Disputes

Domain names are used to identify on or more IP addresses on the internet. Cybersquatting occurs when someone registers a domain name in order to cause confusion or to extort money from others. The attorney at Peacock Law Firm PLLC has successfully represented clients in these types of disputes. Don’t be the victim of cybersquatting. Let Peacock Law Firm PLLC help you. If you are accused of cybersquatting, let the attorney put his knowledge of the law to work for you. Contact the firm now to determine how it can assist you.

There are many reasons a copyright, patent, trademark, or other intellectual property dispute may arise. These battles can be complicated. An intellectual property attorney can help you defend your ideas and inventions.

Contact an Intellectual Property Lawyer

Securing IP rights for you or your business can mean the difference between success and failure. Finding that someone is stealing or infringing your IP rights and ideas can be a painful and trying ordeal. The situation can be just as painful if you’ve been unjustly accused of infringing. Let the intellectual property lawyers of the Peacock Law Firm PLLC advocate for you. Call the firm at (214) 617-1000 today or send our lawyer an email today.