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Dallas Unfair Competition Attorney

As a component of promoting an honest and fair market, federal law prohibits unfair competition under the Lanham Act. Broadly, the law of unfair competition prohibits deceptive practices that may cause economic injury to other businesses. Unfair competition encompasses certain unfair trade practices, like disclosing trade secrets to a competitor, trademark infringement and misappropriation. Additionally, unfair competition can include actions such as passing off, which occurs when one business passes off its products as another’s.

Cultivating a business requires a substantial amount of creativity, energy, money, talent, and hard work. The unfair competition lawyer at the Peacock Law Firm PLLC understands how much you have invested in your business and fights for those who have suffered financial decline or diminished success from unfair competition.

Unfair Competition Laws

Whether a person or business dishonestly attempts to pass off their own goods as another to trick consumers, or a company willfully engages in trademark infringement, unfair competition consists of a medley of deceptive trade practices that threaten the integrity of the market. Federal and state prohibitions against unfair competition include:

  • “Bait and switch” selling tactics
  • False advertisement
  • Trade dress infringement
  • Trademark infringement
  • Disclosing trade secrets
  • Trade libel
  • Reverse passing off (removing a trademark prior to a product’s sale)
  • Counterfeiting products

The defense of intellectual property is pivotal to upholding a fair and honest market. Any violations of unfair competition law can result in economic harm for the consumer and competing businesses.

Contact a Dallas Unfair Competition Lawyer

Breaches of unfair competition law can cause long-term damage for businesses. At the Peacock Law Firm PLLC, the attorney aggressively advocates for a free and honest marketplace and assists businesses in holding those accountable who blatantly violate the terms of an honest market. If you or someone you know is a victim of unfair competition, you may be entitled to monetary damages and injunctive relief. Further, if you have been accused of unfair competition, the Peacock Law Firm PLLC may be able to help. Don’t hesitate to reach out to the firm’s Dallas office to discuss your case. Call the firm at (214) 617-1000 or send an email today for more information about how the firm can help you.